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After nearly 100 Skype and video calls, teachers wonder, who was your very first call? It's a misleading answer but the truth was Taylor Swift! 
I was working at a very small private school as a grade 5/6 teacher. I signed my class of 10 up for a webcast where Taylor Swift was being interviewed on the importance of reading and promoting her new album RED (Read Every Day). It was October 27, 2010. A limited number of schools could sign up and receive a link allowing them to stream in and watch this live interview with Taylor. I was curious! I clicked the link and my little class of 10 zoomed through the internet to a bustling New York studio. I was hooked, and I still smile after 100+ calls later at the students' excitement. 
6 years later, I've 
  • Made 100+ calls. You can see a few here.
  • Called people on 5 continents
  • Taught more than 750 teachers how to use Skype in the Classroom
  • Featured in, and written for, multiple newspapers and magazines on Skype's power in a classroom.
  • Facilitated and connected local teachers with educators around the world via Skype.

Connect with me over Skype at mr.tindaleddsb or click here

What my students are saying...

Why is it better? Because it's fun and kids remember fun chats rather than boring lectures.

I know lots of kids who'd rather be asking an expert questions and writing, than listening to a teacher tell us about the topic.

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